
Deciding which secondary school to send your child to is a huge decision and one which must be taken relatively early on, whether your child is in Year 6 or if you have recently moved to the area. In order to help you make the decision whether The Avon Valley School and Performing Arts College is right for you, we invite all parents of, and students in, Year 6 to visit us for our Open Evening which is held at the beginning of each year. If you are not able to make Open Evening we can arrange visits at another time convenient to you.

We are proud of our ability to cater for each student as an individual and we have an excellent record of meeting a wide variety of academic and social needs, ensuring all students are pushed to reach the highest possible academic achievements from the outset through to when they leave us at the end of Year 11. The Avon Valley School also places great value in encouraging all students to participate in the many social, cultural and sporting clubs, performances and activities that we offer. We believe that this encourages good social skills and the development of lifelong learners.

All applications for a place at The Avon Valley School and Performing Arts College must be made via Warwickshire County Council. To find our more about applying for a place at a secondary school in Warwickshire click here.

Open Evening

Each year, in September, we open our doors to prospective students who are in Year 6, and their parents/carers, for our Open Evening. This gives prospective students and their family chance to tour our school, see our facilities, hear from the headteacher, and meet our wonderful students and staff. 

Further details about our open evening for students, who will start secondary school in September 2025, and their parents/carers, including details of how to book for the event can be found by clicking here

Click the flyer below for more information about the open evenings happening across Rugby. 


Aptitude for Performing Arts Admissions

The Avon Valley School is designated as a having a specialism in the Performing Arts. Therefore, up to 10% (approximately 22 places) of each new cohort will be available to children who demonstrate aptitude, or potential, in the performing arts.

To qualify for one of the 22 places, children must achieve a minimum standard in the selection process.

  • Should fewer than 22 children apply for these places, or achieve the minimum standard, the unfilled places will be allocated in accordance with the standard admissions criteria.

  • In the event of equal ranking, places will be allocated in accordance with the distance criterion

  • If a child is not allocated one of the 22 specialist places, the application will still be considered in accordance with the school’s admission criteria.

  • An applicant for a place under The Avon Valley School’s Performing Arts Aptitude Selection Process will be required to attend the selection process at the school. The results of this selection process will determine the offer of places under criterion 3 of the over subscription criteria.

Further details relating to our Performing Arts admissions, including FAQs and an application form can be found by clicking here. 

NB: Parents who apply for their child to sit the aptitude test are still required to make an application for the school using the Warwickshire preference form.

Please find our Admissions policy on our school policies page, please click here to be taken there.


Useful Info

WCC Secondary School Priority Areas