Sporting Opportunities
The importance of maintaining healthy lifestyles and being active in the outdoor environment is well known and the PE faculty gives students the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sport and outdoor activities. We are particularly fortunate to have a climbing wall on site and other team building equipment that enhances the broad range of activities that students can access. We like to encourage healthy competition and a wide variety of house tournaments are held during the school year, culminating in a fiercely contested sports day in the final week of term.
We recognise that creating a lifelong enjoyment of sport and physical activity is more likely if habits become embedded early on and we are committed to supporting students to engage in activities beyond the school day.
During the five years that students spend working with the AVS PE Faculty they will have opportunities to:
Learn, and develop, a wide range of sports across the curriculum
Start to specialise in areas of activity in which they have an interest and talent
Represent the school in a wide variety of activities
Compete in wide-ranging sports competitions throughout the year and take part in Sports Day
Develop Leadership skills, with opportunities to act as leaders at a range of school and district wide events, in particular primary events run by the Eastern Warwickshire School Sports Partnership
Be part of school-club links with some of our partner clubs
Watch a live sporting event
Use the school gym safely and under supervision
Become sports ambassadors and PE prefects
Opt for one of two academic routes in PE & Sport