
The vast majority of exams at The Avon Valley School and Performing Arts College take place in the Sports Hall; however, on occasions other facilities are used. For students with an access arrangement, the library is used as the exam venue.

For all exams, students must wear full school uniform and bring the necessary equipment. If sitting a morning exam, students must arrive on time and register with their tutor. After registering, students sitting an exam proceed to the exam venue. Once in the exam venue, exam conditions exist and must be adhered to. Every exam is invigilated and administered according to JCQ regulations.

Preparing well for exams is often the key to success. Below is some useful advice for students.

  • Look carefully at your exam timetable and highlight the exams that you are involved in. For external exams, you will be provided with a personalised timetable by the Exams Officer.

  • Show the timetable to your parents or carers so that they understand what is happening too.

  • Don’t compare timetables - yours might differ from others because of clashes.

  • Plan a revision schedule that is realistic and that you can stick to.

  • Think about any resources you need to get your hands on in order to be successful. Ask teachers about revision guides, revision sessions and any other materials you might need.

  • Try to balance your revision with some time away from studying too. Plan times throughout the exam period where you know you can relax and do the things you enjoy.

  • Get organised! The night before each exam, check your bag and make sure you have the following equipment; see the Exam Essentials panel on this page.

No phones or watches must be brought to the exam venue. They are prohibited. These should be left in lockers for safekeeping. Candidates run the risk of being disqualified from the exam if they ignore this rule.


Exam Essentials