The library is a friendly environment open for students to use during break and lunchtime.
The library has an extensive range of fiction, non-fiction and referencebooks, which allow students to read for, pleasure, as well as supporting them on their learning journey. Students are welcome to borrow a maximum of three books for two weeks at a time. In addition, the library actively supports students in completing the AVS50 reading challenge; a reading programme implemented to instil a love of reading across all year groups.
Other resources in the library include 14 computers and a variety of board games that students can use at their leisure, during break and lunchtime.
During the school day the library is the venue for reading lessons, which all year 7 and 8 pupils enjoy as part of the English curriculum. In addition, the library hosts other reading initiatives throughout the year; a Year 7 book club, the Carnegie Book Awards and the Warwickshire Book Awards, to name a few.
Opening Hours
11.15am - 11.35am
1.35pm - 2.10pm