Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
The Inclusion Department has a clear vision of the importance of assisting students who have been identified with a Special Education Need or Disability (SEND). We are committed to providing an inclusive education, supporting all students to access the curriculum and participate fully in the life of the school.
We are a dedicated team who will always offer you a warm and professional welcome.
Our support and interventions include:
Dyslexic testing for new Year 7 intakes
Literacy and numeracy testing and assessment
Access arrangements for students who might need support in exams
Small group work – to enable weaker ability students to progress with highly differentiated work
Additional literacy support – both 1:1, in lessons and as additional supported learning
EAL support – with a dedicated EAL Coordinator and external professional involvement. We have a dedicated room to enable new students to have some quality English support before accessing the mainstream curriculum.
School Mentors and an in-school counsellor. Referrals are made to other agencies such as RISE where needed.
Inclusion Club – social support at lunch and break times
Early Help Assessments and Professionals meetings
Dedicated mentor for children who are looked after or who have been previously looked after
Nurture group – for children identified to benefit from this support
We work with a variety of external agencies and make referrals for support where necessary.
If you do wish to find out more about The Hub Department please contact us.
Inclusion Staff
abearpark@avonvalleyschool.ukMr M Clancy
Inclusion Assistant Head
Mrs S Saunders
PA to Mrs Bearpark